I think I'm getting sick. Of course no time is a good time but I've got stuff to do, ya know what I'm talking about?
Tomorrow morning is Chloe's 3 year check up (which is good because I think she's sick too). So I'm missing my much coveted small group tomorrow. Chad was supposed to take her but he has an INTERVIEW {insert hallelujah music here} so I will take that trade!!!
Tomorrow evening we have the Learning Fair at Taylor's school. She made a firestation out of a shoebox...it looks too cool. The first hour I have to work the PTA table, then off to tour the "art hallway" and eat sloppy joes. Yum.
Wednesday is my surgeon's check-up appointment. I'm hoping to goodness gracious that he tells me I can finally pick up Chloe! I miss that! Then I have to stop at the grocery store. Ugh.
Wednesday evening is a BIG big PTA meeting which I should try to go to for sure.
Thursday Chad has another interview. We feel so blessed.
So let's hope this "airborn" or whatever it is called kicks in. Fast.