Thursday, January 07, 2010

Vampires, Etc...

I don't know what it is about the vampire plot line but ever since Twilight was released I'm not satisfied with my book selections unless they are vampire/paranormal related. Fortunately I have some book buddies who have the same addiction as I, lol. I just finished The Sookie Stackhouse series, True Blood:

I loved this series, I mean REALLY loved this series. It is the kind of series that you dread ending. It is also a show on HBO and just entering it's 3rd season. I currently have the 2nd season pre-ordered on Blu Ray (can you say addiction???!)

I am on the tail end of this series:

Reading all these have sparked my love for reading all over again!

I have built in bookshelves at home but for some odd reason I have been using them for frames and knick knacks, lol. So I recently cleaned them off and are using them for their intended purpose, *gasp*, books! So now I faced the dilema of figuring out where all the picture frames will go. While browsing my favorite store, Target, I got inspired by these frames for a collage on the wall:

I love the month of January, it is always 'project renew and organize.' It never fails!


Amber Zimmerman said...

First of all. . .congrats on Pink Paisley again! =) Second. . .I am right there with you on the love for vampires. I have not found time to read the books, but I am hooked on the Vampire Diaries series on CW. I have every episode on itunes so far. . .sigh!

DeeDee said...

Have fun re-organizing. :)

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