Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Why does summer always seem to fly by????

I remember when I was young, having 3+ months of summer vacation. It is undoubtedly shrinking and I don't like it LOL!

We finally got our pool open! The water was a chilly 68 degrees on Father's Day but we all swam anyway. It was pure torture getting in but once we were there it wasn't too bad. Tay is obsessed with swimming and only asked me 40 times that day before I finally relented!

Taylor is also going through a funny face phase....I can't take her picture without this mechanical cheesy grin everytime:

This girl knows no fear...

And my Dad made it over to my house for a Father's Day cook out. We don't get to see him very often and the girls really enjoyed the time they got to spend with him.

We made our first trip to the Fort Wayne Zoo. I recently purchased a pass and hope to make it there several more times before summer's end. I am so mad that gas is climbing at such an astronomical may put and end to the season pass, darn.

The sky view ride over the construction site for the new 'African Veldt' is much better than last year. Instead of bulldozers, dirt, and trees; there were bulldozers, dirt, trees, fake rock, the start to a wooden trail and hut, and a ground hog. Yep, a ground hog was the only visible animal. The kids thought that was great *chuckle*. I am very afraid of heights and it was almost unbearable sitting there, dangling from this little suspended car. Of course I rode with Hanna and my friends 6 yr. old and they are hoopin' and hollerin' and shaking the thing, with no fear whatsoever lol. Really made me look like a chicken.

I got this layout done for the Pink Paislee blog, it is based on a sketch from the Pencil Lines website:

I also got some layouts done for Mosh Posh using their 'sold out' June kit:

I received some really cool product in the mail and am just waiting for some 'playtime'....Lord only knows when that will happen. I will soon be the new owner of a box of BRAND SPANKIN' NEW Pink Paislee product, due to be introduced next month at CHA Chicago!!!!!

Have a great week!!!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

{Last Scrapper Standing}

First and foremost, thank you for all your prayers regarding my friend. There is slight improvement and she has been moved to the cancer wing in the ICU so visiting hours have been prolonged. Thank you again!

Wanna do something fun?! Create My Keepsake is having a design team contest!! There will be several new design team members added along with a guest designer for the month of July!! Now I personally know that Lisa has some very cool sponsors lined up for the next term so sign up now!!!!

I'm also very excited as my plans to attend CHA are finally coming together. I will be driving up with my good friend Krista, and I am SO happy that I won't be going alone LOL! I'm such a chicken, hehe. We will be staying in a gorgeous hotel with the ever-so-sweet-and-talented Miss Tammy Tutterow. I had soooo much fun attending last year and am even more excited this year as I get the opportunity to work in the Pink Paislee booth. Can't wait to meet everyone!

Speaking of Pink Paislee, Wednesday was my turn to do a blog post here. I did a layout featuring the Pink Paislee Vintage Pop alpha stamps (goodness I love these!) Here is the layout I did:

I'm having a garage sale this week to fund my trip to Chicago, haha. If you love scrapbook supplies, and live in NE Indiana, I suggest you stop by!

Have a wonderful week!!!

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