I spent an interesting day in the ER today. I started with chest pains early this morning. Chad and I dropped the girls off at a friends house and went to the hospital. I have mitre valve prolapse so anytime I have a heart problem I need to go. Well, I was there for around 7 hours while they ran tests. When I first came in I had elevated levels of something (I forgot the term!) in my blood which meant the heart was in distress. They needed to wait 4 more hours to run the test again and the levels has fortunately went down. WHEW! Had I of known that they would be checking my pulse regularly ON MY ANKLES I would have shaved for crying out loud. I kept apologizing, hoping I wasn't cutting their hands with my prickly beasts. So it is good to be home now!
I also wanted to share some of my Papertrunk layouts. Carrie's product is just wonderful to work with and she is such a sweetheart :) :) :)